From Psychic Vampire Repellent to Devi Steam Seat for ladies vaginal needs, you would think that this company and products are a joke (I personally wish it was). But I am afraid that Goop is a real company that is selling bogus products by the thousands. It is honestly startling that these products were not only created but there is a market for them where people are buying them believing in their pseudo-science promises.
I first heard of Goop from a Youtuber (Jon Tron) who was reviewing the products for satirical humor. Though I found myself busting out laughing at the content, I could not help but think, This can't be legit! I figured that he was exaggerating for views. But when I looked it up, I was appalled to find he did not make any of it up.
Goop is a "health and wellness" company (I put that lightly. This is what they claim when the definition is looked up, but there is no scientific or medical basis for that statement). It was started by actress Gywneth Paltrow in 2008. According to her website, she started this company in her kitchen cooking and creating home remedies for ailments. Goop website sells a wide variety of products. From skin care to cook books, crystals to vibrators. Some of their best sellers include Goop Glow kit for $185, Rose Quartz kit for $140, and their vitamin pack Why am I so Effing Tired for $90.
I first heard of Goop from a Youtuber (Jon Tron) who was reviewing the products for satirical humor. Though I found myself busting out laughing at the content, I could not help but think, This can't be legit! I figured that he was exaggerating for views. But when I looked it up, I was appalled to find he did not make any of it up.
Goop is a "health and wellness" company (I put that lightly. This is what they claim when the definition is looked up, but there is no scientific or medical basis for that statement). It was started by actress Gywneth Paltrow in 2008. According to her website, she started this company in her kitchen cooking and creating home remedies for ailments. Goop website sells a wide variety of products. From skin care to cook books, crystals to vibrators. Some of their best sellers include Goop Glow kit for $185, Rose Quartz kit for $140, and their vitamin pack Why am I so Effing Tired for $90.
"It's not that we are opposed to conventional medicine, we are just very interested in alternative medicine." Source
Paltrow's alternatives to conventional include slipping jade eggs into one's vagina for hormonal balance. Needless to say, this sort of "medical treatment" has generated heavy backlash with some concern that these types of treatments are not only ridiculous but potentially harmful.
In 2018, Goop was taken to court for false advertising and unsubstantial medical claims. Clearly, a large amount of people had major issues with the ethics of this company, and for good reason! This woman is selling people 6 vitamin pills for $90 claiming it will help with the fatigue with no medial research or proof. And this is just a minor claim. She is claiming her over-price products are a remedy to a wide range of ailments with no medical backing with more than 50 unsubstantial claims documented by the state of California. This has definitely raised an issue of ethics among audiences.
The bogus health claims are not just potential hazards to consumers, they are direct violations of a court order that bars Goop from making such false and misleading claims Source
Further investigation proved that some of the supplements ,were actually dangerous containing high levels of biotin that was more than the recommended dose. 8,333% above the medial recommended dose to be exact. It is this and the claims that their pillows can relieve insomnia, depression, and PTSD and many more that has led to Goop not only being taken to court, but failing to defend their case in court.
“For far too long Paltrow and Goop have been taking advantage of susceptible consumers by using deceptive and misleading health claims to sell their wares and turn a profit,” Bonnie Patten, executive director of stated. “This settlement makes clear that no health and wellness company is above the law, and that Goop’s past illegal marketing tactics will no longer be tolerated.” Source
The final verdict was that Goop was forced to pay $145,000 in civil penalties, refund all their customers who bought the offending products, and agreed to stop making false medical claims with specifics in that Goop can no longer say that they can treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any diseases or conditions. Source
Despite the obvious legal breach in ethics, and clear scamming of susceptible people, Goop is still what they call themselves a "wellness empire." And it is still making considerable amounts of profit with the company having an estimated worth of $250 million. The success is so much so that Netflix is streaming a new series, The Goop Lab, where fans can get an insight of Goop. From the trailer alone, it is shocking how this company is continuing this insane charade of false products and yet there is still a market.
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